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Código: TE00005

Fabricante: Telephonics



Telephonics' AeroTrac NextGen Air Traffic Management System (ATMS) is an advanced en route and terminal automation system that features unparalleled surveillance capacity, tracking accuracy, and flight information processing. The ATMS has been proven in large scale Air Traffic Control (ATC) systems by tracking over 3,000 aircraft, simultaneously processing over thirty different sensors and covering over nine million square miles of airspace.

AeroTrac NextGen provides precision tracking - especially for diverse configurations of multiple sensors from various manufacturers, formats, and scan rates. The system includes:
*Multi-Sensor Fusion Tracking (MRT) including ADS-B fusion
*Advanced Flight Data Processing (FDP)
*Advanced Display Systems
*Arrival and Departure Managers
*Electronic Flight Strips for both Tower and Terminal applications
*Enhanced Safety Net with 4D trajectory
*Embedded Simulation and Training with Pseudo Pilot and Voice recognition
*Redundant and highly available Open Architecture.

AeroTrac NextGen is fully scalable in capacity and control sectors and may be applied to a wide range of uses:
*Enroute Control
*Approach/Tower Control
*Area Surveillance. The sector controllers are presented with a uniform, real-time, integrated airspace picture regardless of the level of radar coverage. *AeroTrac utilizes all available target sensing and reporting systems, including:
Primary Surveillance Radar
Secondary Surveillance Radar
Flight Plans.

The system provides automatic correlation between the flight data, the sensor data, and incorporates redundant processors and fail-safe backup modes. The ATMS is modular in design so that new and enhanced features can be added to meet changing requirements throughout the system life cycle. All applications operate under COTS multitasking operating systems using an enhanced human-machine interface with graphical displays that incorporate EuroControl recommendations. AeroTrac NextGen configurations are available to include:
*2048 x 2048 Color LCD Displays
*Conflict Alert, Restricted Area Warning, and Minimum Safe Altitude Warning
*Data Recording Systems
*Control and Monitoring Systems (CMS)
*Data Management Systems (DMS)
*Integration to Existing Surface MET Systems.

The open system architecture may be scaled to suit the ATC application from a small single sensor airport to a large area, multi-sensor Area Control Center. The AeroTrac system may be hosted on a variety of LINUX operating system-based workstations. The system's modular design allows the system to be configured to suit any customer's operational requirements. The system may be configured in networked autonomous workstations or a distributed architecture.

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