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Código: DM00001
Fabricante: DMA
With over 60 years experience in the design and manufacture of Air Data Test sets, DMA-Aero offer an extensive range of RVSM and Domestic RVSM (DRVSM) compliant testers. These ADTS are ideal for all work on aircraft pitot-static systems such as: leak testing; troubleshooting and full certification. With a wide range of base models and an extensive complement of options the ADTS are ideal for all pitot static air data test requirements. Precision pressure sensors are utilized, together with low power consumption which generates negligible heat, to achieve the highest accuracy available today. Offering +/- 3 feet or better at sea level, the test sets meet the stringent requirements for RVSM certification testing. The instruments are all ready for use and within the accuracy band at the conclusion of the initialization / self test procedure. The test sets are all digitally controlled through a local or remote keypad and display. The intuitive user interface allows test set functions to be easily controlled with a minimum of key strokes, with all test parameters displayed, and is suitable for both first time and more advanced users. Optionally many of the ADTS can be remotely controlled by a tablet PC with wireless Bluetooth connection. The intelligent user interface provides protection to both the test set and the UUT. The software rejects entered command values that exceed the pre-selected limit ranges. Limits can be easily changed and are password protected for security. A pressure condition of Ps greater than Pt is prevented in both manual and automatic operation. With loss of power the test circuit is safely isolated and can be manually vented preventing instrument and test set damage. The ADTS are applicable to all types of civil and extended range, fixed or rotary wing, aircraft testing. The range includes the MPS31C civil ADTS, the MPS27C extended range ADTS and the 3 or 4 channel MPS35C, MPS39C and MPS40C. The MPS34C offers laboratory instrument accuracy on the flight line. The latest test sets, the MPS35C, MPS39C and MPS40C/41C control three or four independent pressures to verify the Angle of Attack (AoA), as well as static and pitot pressures, where 'Smart' pitot tubes are used on the aircraft. The 4 channel MPS40C provides 2 independant AoA channels. Tthe ultra compact MPS43 weighs under 9lbs and provides full automatic control with RVSM accuracy. The MPS43H variant is especially configured for use with helicopters. On most models internal static and pitot multiple isolators and output ports are available. Different static and pitot values can be locked into the appropriate leak free lines for checking the altitude comparator and similar functions. A new method for leak testing (one line in control mode while the other is in measure mode) ensures higher safety and avoids wasted testing time. All the flightline/ramp Air Data Test Sets are portable and can also be used in the laboratory with either ADWIN PC software.or under control of an ATE system. They all have battery power either fitted as standard or available as an option. This allows the Air Data Test Set to be used where ac power is unavailable or for ADTS operation to continue during power failure. All the test sets are engineered to minimize power consumption which extends battery life. All models have internal pumps which run 'on demand' to reach maximum life duration associated with low electrical power consumption. Noise level is very low, a welcome feature when the ADTS is used in the workshop. Most models contain DMA's specially engineered high reliability 5,000 hour warranted pump. On all ADTS, 30 User test profiles are programmable and executable, each with 26 test points, ideal for FAR43/FAR91 testing. Some models are fitted with a Compact Flash memory card for storing results. Calibration adjustments are made by software input only with no hardware adjustment required. A comprehensive list of options is available with some models being pre-configured for certain options. Amongst the available options are: * 28 VDC operation * IEEE488 control (RS232 control is standard on most models) * ARINC429 interface * Bluetooth control by tablet PC * Multiple isolated static and pitot outputs controlled from the keypad * ADWIN software for PC control * Hand held remote control unit * Encoding altimeter readout * Extended ranges of 850 or 1,000 kts * Internal battery * External battery to extend battery life * External pressure and vacuum supply * Please inquire on any other option requirements such as radio altimeter automatic test. A large range of pitot-static adaptors can be supplied.