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Código: TH00005
Fabricante: Thales
Mercados: Tierra Seguridad
SQUIRE is a man-portable medium-range ground surveillance radar that can detect and classify moving targets on, or close to, the ground at ranges up to 48 km. SQUIRE consists of compact components to be carried in two backpacks. Each weighs less than 23 kgs., including batteries, and can therefore be easily carried by two persons. SQUIRE is light, compact, and has a very low output power thanks to the application of FMCW technology. SQUIRE is ideally suitable for use by the Army and Marines, e.g. air mobile and amphibious units, but also by United Nations units or Border Guard units. Squire features the Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radar principle for very low Probability of Intercept. With only 1 Watt output power, SQUIRE is capable of detecting walking persons at ranges exceeding 10 km and moving tank-sized vehicles up to 48 km. The low peak power (peak and average power are equal and selectable between 10 milliWatt and 1 Watt maximum) makes the system virtually undetectable by ESM Electronic Support Measures equipment and Radar Warning Receivers. The system also incorporates automatic target classification facilities for persons, wheeled vehicles, tracked vehicles and helicopters. The solid state techniques that are applied result in very high reliability and low life cycle cost. SQUIRE is presently in production for various countries. In June 2002 the Royal Netherlands Army ordered 62 SQUIRE systems, including logistics and training. At present about 220 SQUIRES have been sold to armed forces all over the globe.